Products Overview
The Products screen includes all of the products you have synced to Cogsy. This is the best place to get a full overview of all of your products, as well as navigate to individual products for deeper analysis.

Explanation of the columns:
- Product. We include the SKU, Product Name, and Variant Name here for easy identification and navigation. The rank (B, A+, etc) we show here is based on our Prioritisation Matrix to help you identify your bestselling and/or most important products quickly.
- WOW Trend. This is a simple bar graph showing weekly unit sales to give you an indication of recent volume and velocity. This is the WoW trend expressed as a percentage.
- On Hand / Target: On Hand is the number of units you currently have on hand for this product. And Target is the optimal number of units that you need to have available to avoid running out of stock based on your Order Lead Time and Safety Margin.
- In Transit. If you have any open purchase orders (either drafted in Cogsy or synced from elsewhere) for this product, we'll include these here.
- Days Left. This is the number of days' worth of stock you have left based on forecasted sales.
- OOS. This is the next date at which you are forecasted to run out of stock for this product.
The Products page also has multiple tabs -

- All - This is the list of all of your products or SKUs
- Replenish Now - This tab gives you a list of all products that need replenishment now
- Replenish Soon - This tab keeps track of SKUs that will need replenishment in the next 30 days.
- Healthy Products - This denotes how healthy the stock levels are on some of your products depending on our demand forecasting. For high-ranking products (A+, A, B+, and B), if the stock is between 1 and 3x the optimal replenishment amount, then they show up here. For lower-ranking products (C-, C, B-, etc), if the stock is between 1 and 2x the optimal replenishment amount, then they show up here.
- Overstocked - These are your not-so-greatly performing products where you have more stock than the demand forecasted by Cogsy. A recommendation is to run a flash sale to reduce this stock.
- Archived - All archived SKUs in Cogsy will sit here. Here's how you can archive SKUs.
- Sync Issues - If any of your products that are synced to Cogsy have either a missing SKU code or a missing vendor, we automatically highlight them in this tab so that you can quickly take action.
Product filters
Let's quickly check some of the filters available on the Products -> All page

You can filter products based on their location so that we show you the On Hand and Target numbers for the SKUs based on the selected locations

Products View:
You can group the products by category or can have them show up individually.

When grouped by categories, the products view looks like this

Note: Please note that custom categories from Shopify are not supported yet in Cogsy as we are not able to sync them over.