Data Sources

Cogsy can currently integrate with various data sources (via our Integrations):

  • Shopify / Shopify Plus
  • Skubana
  • Locate Inventory
  • Amazon
  • Cin7
  • Shipbob
  • Shiphero
  • Smartrr
  • Anvyl
  • Amazon
  • Flexe
  • Fulfil
  • Google Analytics

What happens if you connect multiple data sources?

Cogsy will automatically prevent you from sending us duplicated data (for sales, products, and purchase orders) via multiple data sources. At the moment, you have to select a single source for each of the sales/orders, products, and purchase orders.

Here is an example of an account connected to both Shopify and Skubana:

In this scenario, the tech setup works like this:

  • Skubana is the system of record and is integrated (2-way) into Shopify.
  • So Cogsy can grab all of the relevant information from Skubana, since the merchant may have other channels (i.e. wholesale) that is not tracked within Shopify.
  • And then for backorders, Cogsy will push the Next Available / Estimated Shipping date back to Shopify.

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