
This article is about Cogsy's integration with Linnworks.

What data sources are supported by the Linnworks integration?

Cogsy can currently ingest the following data from your Linnworks account:

  • Product / SKU data (read-only)
  • Order data (read-only)
  • Purchase Orders (read & write)

Connecting Cogsy with Linnworks

  1. Go here where you will need to log into your Linnworks account to authenticate it to your Cogsy account. Doing so will generate a token which we'll need in a later step.
  2. In your Cogsy dashboard, navigate to the Settings Integrations section.
  3. Click the "Add Integration" button and select Linnworks.
  4. This will prompt you to add the Linnworks token from step 1. Once added, Cogsy will be connected to Linnworks and will start the data sync.

Purchase Orders in Linnworks

Cogsy has a two-way sync available for your purchase orders in Cogsy and Linnworks. Here's how this works:

  • Cogsy will automatically track any open / pending purchase orders that you have created in Linnworks and we'll include that in the calculation of "In-Transit" units for each SKU. When you make updates to those purchase orders in Linnworks, the changes will reflect in Cogsy too.
  • You can also create a recommended purchase order in Cogsy (see more details here). Once you "Mark as Submitted" any of those purchase orders, we'll draft that purchase order in Linnworks for you with a status of "Pending". You are then able to continue your workflow on that purchase in Linnworks and Cogsy will just sync those changes as you make them in Linnworks.

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